TheCollegeLife, is probably the next generation in social networking for college students. The new social online community for students by students offers a centralized forum that allows students to interact with peers on their campus as well as others across the country. The site provides college kids a place to call their own without worrying that high school students and their parents could access their profiles.
Though fashioned like Facebook, the new social site is not keen on taking over the world, but has limited its membership to only college students, so you need a valid school email address to join TheCollegeLife. The site currently on beta version looks too simple and welcomes suggestions and criticisms.
TheCollegeLife has basic features like other social networks such as blogs, profiles, image galleries and messaging. Plus, TCL features a video section, and forums for students to share and discuss life, assignments, profs, and just about anything they like. The site is continuing to improve and other great features are in the offing. So watch out!
Whether or not TheCollegeLife would be widely accepted by college kids and schools around the world remains unknown. What we know is that it can never compete with Facebook.
January 27, 2008 - A New Facebook?
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9:20 PM
Labels: facebook, social networks, startups
January 15, 2008
JASEzone MashUp Professionals in Google Maps Mashup
JASEzone is a new professional social spot designed to help you network with other professionals and expand your business prospects. Like other social networks such as LinkedIn, you can create your profile that identifies your professional accomplishments and goals. Friends and colleagues will find you just as you can network with other professionals aligned with your interests. You can add more JASEfriends by inviting others to join the JASEzone and connect to you.
Your network consists of your JASEfriends, your JASEfriends' JASEfriends, and the people they know, linking you to thousands of friends.You get your own inbox for on site messaging and a free blog. Join groups related to gaming, politics, music and more. Discuss your favorite topics in the forums, or auction and purchase items in the JaseBid section.
Through your JASEzone network you can:
- Find potential clients, subject matter experts, and business partners.
- Be found for future business initiatives.
- Discover JASEfriends that can help you reach job opportunities.
- Get introduced to other professionals through your JASEfriends.
The JASEzone team recently integrated the profiles of its active users into a Google Maps Mashup. Currently only United States profiles show on the mashup but the team has plans to expand into Canada and eventually Europe, Asia, Central & South America and more.
Posted by
6:20 AM
Labels: professionals, social networks, startups - Where Foodies Meet and Eat
Could you have imagined that any social networking site would connect people who love food to one place? As funny as this may seem, a new social community for food lovers worldwide has been launched to cater for all your foodie needs. is an online food in da hood that provides its community with great food, recipes, photos, secrets, prizes, restaurants, exotic and new food discoveries—everything a foodie could dream of. In the FoodRoom, you can discuss anything food, and you can also share photos of your favorite restaurant, backyard BBQ steak, favorite wine, etc in the FoodBook. You can check out The Scoop for the latest quirky food news and stories, or you can simply check out recipes for dinner.
I made the mistake of searching for some menus and not only did what I found whet my appetite, I started getting hungry. Ouch! My stomach! Here are a few of the menus...
Pork loin and Salmon/Yorkshire pudding Dip for HaiNam chicken/Pickled vegetable |
Posted by
5:20 AM
Labels: social networks, startups
January 10, 2008
Livesteez - The New Video Sharing Place for Hip-Hop and African-American Entertainment News
Have you ever wanted a place where you can meet people and discuss current events and politics while networking? The place is Livesteez - a new online social network and a forum especially devoted to urban youth which allows members to upload and share videos, discuss current events and politics, as well as network.
Livesteez news feeds and discussion boards almost exclusively feature Hip-Hop- or African-American- focused stories. View here, here and here. Livesteez is a perfect example of a specific social networking community that does not rest on its demographic differences, but adds innovative applications (video sharing in a social network, exclusive artist contracts) to keep its technology current and members satisfied.
But Livesteez might need to promote it's site better to reach audiences. The discussion forums seems to be begging for attention (who cares to talk?) and Livesteez appears to have just a handful of members.
Via: (Killerstartups)
Posted by
11:20 PM
Labels: Music and Videos, social networks, startups
Fiction Folks Mash And Make Money At
Now, this really got my attention. Probably because I have a flare for fiction. A new social community called StoryMash, for collaboration, constructive criticism and a place to experiment and discover different writing styles is mashing up fiction readers and writers together.
StoryMash is a place where fiction folks start new stories, continue existing stories, or take a story in a different direction by adding a chapter to its middle! All the while earning money for every chapter they publish on StoryMash. If you are a reader, you can vote for your favorite chapters and choose how you want the story to continue. After reading a chapter you can select from among multiple followup chapters. And while reading a chapter if you have a great idea on what should happen next, you can register and submit a followup chapter!
The idea is similar to Helium where writers are paid from $20 to $200 for each article selected by their partner publishers. The difference is that with StoryMash, you pay yourself for each work you publish on StoryMash depending on the number of votes you get for your story.
Here is how it works:
If you're a fiction writer and want the world to know about your work, you will post your story to Then, other authors can add follow-up, or even middle chapters to existing chapters written by others. Branching chapters compete with each other based on the vote ranking of registered readers. Eventually, the best storylines will evolve into the most entertaining, and profitable storytelling possible.
The whole idea is a a collaborative system of user generated content where StoryMash provides a fair contract for writers; writers keep their copyright, and grant StoryMash a non-exclusive license so that StoryMash can adapt and possibly resell combined works. Plus, all authors are paid over 50% of all revenue made by the content they publish.
There are also periodic writing contests, and this February, over $500 in prizes will be given away. So start posting on StoryMash by share your creative writing with the world, and earning some cool cash.
Have fun!
Posted by
5:20 AM
Labels: social networks, startups
Next2Friends Launches Beta And Connects Friends Next To Friends
Do you want your friends to be next to you? Next2friends is a new social community that's now on beta version until late March 2008 and limited to 250, 000 users during the 3-month beta period. The social site allows friends to stay connected to each other by taking advantage of mobile phone tools. It's got some amazing features that will get you attracted from the word "go".
Here are just a few:
Once you create a profile at, not only can you make friends online but the site's Intelligent Proximity matching will send you updates on the Next2friends users that you passed throughout the day that share your interests.
Here's how it works: You set up a Next2Friends profile detailing all your likes, dislikes, quirks and everything that makes you who you are. Then, as you move about in the real world, if you have the Next2Friends software loaded onto your Bluetooth enabled mobile device, Next2Friends will automatically collect and match your data to other Next2Friends users you came into close proximity with. When you next sign into your account you'll receive notification of all the people you passed throughout the day who share your likes, dislikes, and yes, even your quirks.
With the Ask-A-Friend feature, you can also get a friend's advice on a pair of shoes you like to buy while you are shopping by sending them a photo and asking their opinion. With the Live Streaming Video, you can broadcast live events from any capable mobile device or webcam to your family and friends wherever they are in the world. They can watch the event in real-time with you, as it happens. The idea is for you to capture moments and share them with your friends with live video streaming while living in the real world.
But, doesn't the whole idea of the social networking startup seem like you don't have your privacy as it could be a way for people to track you throughout your day? Wouldn't that make you feel like someone's probably watching you?
Posted by
4:20 AM
Labels: Music and Videos, social networks, startups
January 09, 2008
Professional Networking at is a free virtual community created to promote networking among professionals and academics of the marketing and sales arena. So, it's got the feel of LinkedIn and perhaps a step up from LinkedIn and a focus more on business than Facebook.
The social business site is a network tool that promises to help you forge new professional contacts as well as expand your personal and professional network. Like other business networks, you can organize your contacts, set privacy filters, send email and join groups. Neurona has over 100 professional groups to choose from including Studying and Working Abroad, Services Marketing, and Food & Agrimarketing.
Again, is not about selling services or products… it is about people. is about facilitating your network with fellow professionals, and helping you to get the advice or assistance you need.
The social networking site is designed in three language versions namely Italian, Spanish and English with over 1 million current users.
Posted by
10:20 AM
Labels: professionals, social networks
SocialSplash Uses Splash Points to Buy Users?
Are you a social networker? In order words, do you use social networks such as Facebook? Myspace? Bebo? Is your answer, yes and yes?! Not surprised! They are the largest social media sites today ringing the major buzzword s~o~c~i~a~l n~e~t~w~o~r~k~i~n~g.
Social sites as I like to call them have been around for quite some time now, and have all been competing to earn a place in the social media market. They've introduced interesting features and concepts that attract users and generate more revenue for their efforts.
But here comes SocialSplash - a new kid in the block. The new social site offers something no other social networking site offers. As the name 'splash' suggests, the site splashes users with "gifts" such as mp3 players and other electronics, etc when they earn "Splash Points".
In other words, whatever you do on the site, like uploading photos, creating a blog or a group, or even using the forums, you get Splash Points, and the more you collect, the better, because when you grab a good number of points you can get a gift from their Splash Store. SocialSplash also allows users to play flash games while chatting with your friends, create funny pictures using the great option of SplashPix.
So can your loyalty to Facebook or Myspace be purchased by SocialSplash's Splash Points?
Posted by
9:20 AM
Labels: social networks
January 07, 2008
Tadinky Launches and Invites Members Suggestions, the latest lifestyle portal for connecting with friends, announced today the beta launch of it's new Wiki-style website, opening the door to innovative changes suggested by its members.
The social site's founders are hoping to avoid the mistakes of social giants such as MySpace, Friendster and Facebook that have "all had their limitations, as proven by disgruntled members, while refusing to implement any changes or ideas offered by their members." For their business 'their customers (users) are always right'. Thus, they have welcomed suggestions for improvement of the site. Sounds like a humble beginning, huh?
Tadinky is launched in beta form as a stripped-down version of a standard social networking website while awaiting the first qualified suggestion. The new website has the usual features of social networks such as profiles, photos, blog, email, instant messaging, etc. The site currently has 22 members, 6 friends, 2 blog entries and 1 comment. Unfortunately, it has no traffic rank yet from Alexa.
About Tadinky
Tadinky, a part of Dreamry, Inc., is the latest lifestyle portal for connecting with friends, networking with like-minded people, and creating changes that would have an immediate impact. By integrating web profiles, instant messaging, e-mail, music streaming, music videos, photo galleries, and member blogs, Tadinky has created a connected and responsive community. Tadinky will continue to evolve with new features and exciting changes.
Via: TheOpenPress
Posted by
8:20 PM
Labels: facebook, myspace, social networks, Web 2.0 Analysis
January 06, 2008
MC Hammer To Launch Video Sharing Site Called
Former rapper MC Hammer, is readying the launch of a new social website, which would be similar to, the leading online video sharing site, or is it meant to compete with Youtube?
The site called, would offer users a place to watch and post dance videos, since we can't touch it, we can watch and feel it "online". According to SoundSlam, Hammer (real name Stanley Burrell) and his partners have reportedly complied 100 gigabytes of dance footage which will be used to launch the site in mid January. The site will host head-to-head dance competitions, and also give viewers tips on how to perform their favorite dance moves.
Last February, MC Hammer visited the youtube offices, as part of his interests in launching a video sharing site. You can watch the video below.
According to HipHopGalaxy, it was reported that James McQuivey, an analyst at Forrester Research claims that Hammer could find it difficult getting people away from YouTube, which listed 1.7 million dance videos last month alone.
Well, YouTube users will have to decide what they want, and if they "can't touch this", maybe they can dance this.
Posted by
1:20 PM
Labels: social networks, youtube