Recently, I took some time off from this blog to re-analyse the blogosphere and what it has for me. My journey took me to several blogs on different topics and niches, and I've learned a lot more about blogging, niche topics, SEO, etc.
I've been working on a project the last 2 months and successfully launched a blog called StartupsNigeria. The blog reviews and analyses web startups in Nigeria, as well as tech/mobile products and services in Nigeria that are making an impact in today’s new web space. Since I've been following startup news and tech trends around Europe, US and Australia, I noticed that global blogs on Web 2.0, Technology, and Social Networking rarely cover the web 2.0 industry in Africa.
My goal with StartupsNigeria is to showcase Nigerian Web 2.0 startups, social networking/media and bookmarking sites that are creating a buzz around the world. The idea is to connect global web-savvy blogs and businesses with those in Nigeria, as well as to empower new Web 2.0 startups in Nigeria to developing technologies and applications that would add value to users.
So if you are interested in discovering new web startups in Nigeria and Africa, you can subscribe to the blogs RSS feeds.
Your visit would be appreciated too. Go to StartupsNigeria.Com
May 13, 2008
StartupsNigeria.Com - Discover Web Startups in Nigeria
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2:20 PM
Labels: africa, mobile news, nigeria, startups, tech news, web 2.0
February 08, 2008
Social Network Startups: hurox, travel popnets, mytrybe, ifimpresident, araspace
This week, I'll be sharing social networking startups that got my attention. You can check them out and leave your comments on what you think about them.

Travel Popnets is a new way for globe-hoppers and web-surfers to save, share and discover the best of the web wide world. You can organize all of your travel know-how and explore favorites shared by your friends. Check them out here

Please feel free to leave your comments on what your think about these social network startups. Enjoy!
Posted by
5:20 PM
Labels: social networks, startups
February 03, 2008
January 2008: Profiled Social Network Startups + New Approach for SocialCrunch
I'm pleased to announce to you that this blog, SocialCrunch will be taking a new dimension with the profiling of new social networks as from this month of February. Recently, I decided to focus more on new startup social sites that are connecting people together in today's webspace. That new approach started in January 2008 and I was able to profile 10 social networking startups.
If you missed them, here are they:
1. The - A New Facebook?
2. JASEzone MashUp Professionals in Google Maps Mashup
3. - Where Foodies Meet and Eat
4. Livesteez - The New Video Sharing Place for Hip-Hop and African-American Entertainment News
5. Fiction Folks Mash And Make Money At
6. Next2Friends Launches Beta And Connects Friends Next To Friends
7. Professional Networking at
8. SocialSplash Uses Splash Points to Buy Users?
9. Tadinky Launches and Invites Members Suggestions
10. MC Hammer To Launch Video Sharing Site Called
Beginning from February, I'm hoping to try a newer approach. At the end of each week starting from the 4th of February, I would briefly review new social network startups for the week and profile the one I consider as "The Social Network of the Week".
Then, I would expect readers of this blog to select what they would consider as "The Social Network of the Week". You can do so on the comments section. Soon, we would set up a weekly poll, where you can vote for 'The Social Network of The Week'.
I value your readership and comments.
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2:20 AM
Labels: social network of the week, social networks, socialcrunch
January 27, 2008 - A New Facebook?
TheCollegeLife, is probably the next generation in social networking for college students. The new social online community for students by students offers a centralized forum that allows students to interact with peers on their campus as well as others across the country. The site provides college kids a place to call their own without worrying that high school students and their parents could access their profiles.
Though fashioned like Facebook, the new social site is not keen on taking over the world, but has limited its membership to only college students, so you need a valid school email address to join TheCollegeLife. The site currently on beta version looks too simple and welcomes suggestions and criticisms.
TheCollegeLife has basic features like other social networks such as blogs, profiles, image galleries and messaging. Plus, TCL features a video section, and forums for students to share and discuss life, assignments, profs, and just about anything they like. The site is continuing to improve and other great features are in the offing. So watch out!
Whether or not TheCollegeLife would be widely accepted by college kids and schools around the world remains unknown. What we know is that it can never compete with Facebook.
Posted by
9:20 PM
Labels: facebook, social networks, startups
January 15, 2008
JASEzone MashUp Professionals in Google Maps Mashup
JASEzone is a new professional social spot designed to help you network with other professionals and expand your business prospects. Like other social networks such as LinkedIn, you can create your profile that identifies your professional accomplishments and goals. Friends and colleagues will find you just as you can network with other professionals aligned with your interests. You can add more JASEfriends by inviting others to join the JASEzone and connect to you.
Your network consists of your JASEfriends, your JASEfriends' JASEfriends, and the people they know, linking you to thousands of friends.You get your own inbox for on site messaging and a free blog. Join groups related to gaming, politics, music and more. Discuss your favorite topics in the forums, or auction and purchase items in the JaseBid section.
Through your JASEzone network you can:
- Find potential clients, subject matter experts, and business partners.
- Be found for future business initiatives.
- Discover JASEfriends that can help you reach job opportunities.
- Get introduced to other professionals through your JASEfriends.
The JASEzone team recently integrated the profiles of its active users into a Google Maps Mashup. Currently only United States profiles show on the mashup but the team has plans to expand into Canada and eventually Europe, Asia, Central & South America and more.
Posted by
6:20 AM
Labels: professionals, social networks, startups - Where Foodies Meet and Eat
Could you have imagined that any social networking site would connect people who love food to one place? As funny as this may seem, a new social community for food lovers worldwide has been launched to cater for all your foodie needs. is an online food in da hood that provides its community with great food, recipes, photos, secrets, prizes, restaurants, exotic and new food discoveries—everything a foodie could dream of. In the FoodRoom, you can discuss anything food, and you can also share photos of your favorite restaurant, backyard BBQ steak, favorite wine, etc in the FoodBook. You can check out The Scoop for the latest quirky food news and stories, or you can simply check out recipes for dinner.
I made the mistake of searching for some menus and not only did what I found whet my appetite, I started getting hungry. Ouch! My stomach! Here are a few of the menus...
Pork loin and Salmon/Yorkshire pudding Dip for HaiNam chicken/Pickled vegetable |
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5:20 AM
Labels: social networks, startups
January 10, 2008
Livesteez - The New Video Sharing Place for Hip-Hop and African-American Entertainment News
Have you ever wanted a place where you can meet people and discuss current events and politics while networking? The place is Livesteez - a new online social network and a forum especially devoted to urban youth which allows members to upload and share videos, discuss current events and politics, as well as network.
Livesteez news feeds and discussion boards almost exclusively feature Hip-Hop- or African-American- focused stories. View here, here and here. Livesteez is a perfect example of a specific social networking community that does not rest on its demographic differences, but adds innovative applications (video sharing in a social network, exclusive artist contracts) to keep its technology current and members satisfied.
But Livesteez might need to promote it's site better to reach audiences. The discussion forums seems to be begging for attention (who cares to talk?) and Livesteez appears to have just a handful of members.
Via: (Killerstartups)
Posted by
11:20 PM
Labels: Music and Videos, social networks, startups