This week, I'll be sharing social networking startups that got my attention. You can check them out and leave your comments on what you think about them.
There you go...
Hurox (pronounced “who rocks”) is much more than your average social network. Using some of the most advanced tools available, anyone can create virtually any “website”, no pasting code or programming necessary. Also, every Hurox member has the ability to earn monetary rewards for their efforts. Go see for yourself here
Travel Popnets is a new way for globe-hoppers and web-surfers to save, share and discover the best of the web wide world. You can organize all of your travel know-how and explore favorites shared by your friends. Check them out here is a social utility designed to network people through ideas rather than personal relationships. The main goal is to foster a comfortable atmosphere, where political dialogue can be achieved respectably. Users are linked to their peers based on their political views so that when you discuss politics through out site, it will be read by a targetted audience based on what views you yourself have. View the network here
Araspace is the first Arabic social networking site that has a bilingual interface with 100% Arabic and English support. is dedicated to people throughout the world, especially Arabic speakers, who wish to meet and make friends. Like other social networks, you can find people with similar interests, share your views, announcements, photos, music, videos, and more! Go to the site here
Please feel free to leave your comments on what your think about these social network startups. Enjoy!
Please feel free to leave your comments on what your think about these social network startups. Enjoy!
Hurox actually looks really cool... the design is crazy and I mean what social network has a desktop built in? I personally don't care about selling my own content but can see how it will bring a lot of creative people in plus creating web pages without programing is something to look at. They say they are going to recommend stuff I might like including people. I follow social networks as well and I haven't seen anything like this.
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